Wednesday 27 October 2010

Ribadeo to Viveiro at a Push

Across the river from Ribadeo

The morning I woke in Ribadeo was a good feeling evrything had been going well and now I just had to get to Viveiro and be back on schedule. I went for coffee and then headed down to an internet cafe.
I got back to the bike and set off. The grey skies had melted and a strong sun was already in a clear blue sky.
I only rode for 4 kms when the bike began to struggle. I pulled in and got it running but it was poor. I tried to keep it going for another 4 kms until it wouldn't ride no more.
I pushed it to a junction just south of Foz where I was directed to a bike repairers where I bought a new plug cap and a couple of new plugs. It was part breakers and part repairs and I made a half hearted enquiry as to a new engine, but alas he didn't have any.

The bike responded to the new input so off I raced to reached Viveiro.

I travelled over the headlands and eventually arrived at the top of a headland where they were clearing trees, I presumed for the Autovia extension. The one thing it did give me was an unobstructed view over the estuary at Viveiro.

Unfortunately stopping for a picture was a bad decision as the bike only travelled a few yards before cutting out. I was left on a main route with no engine and as my lights are direct, I was invisible in the rapidly fading light.

There was only one thing to do and let the engine turn over without firing till I reached the bottom of the headland.

I stopped where I could and changed the now fouled up plug so I could ride into the town. I mistook the lights to my right as those of Viveiro but they were in fact Casanova.
Now I spent three days there not knowing whether it was called Casanova or Cerillo as the buildings signs suggested.
I still don't know to this day, but I will continue to call it Cerillo.

I arrived in front of a small beach near the port and it was warm enough for people to be sitting out chatting. I got directions to a cash point which was not operational, so had to set off for Viveiro and return to the beach where I had spotted a five star sleeping place with a bar within 20 meters.
It was also a good place to anchor up and deal with the bike as there was good cover and there was rain expected over the weekend.
The building houses the Sociedad de Pescalos (society of fishermen) Some of who I got to know over the next few days.

They told me of their trawler trips to Outer Hebrides and West and North of Ireland.

They were really nice and friendly and came by often to see how I was getting on with the bike.

The following morning the weather turned, but with the bar just across the road there was always a warm place to sit and enjoy the football, even though it was La Liga.

The area I had inhabited was also the smoking and drinking area of the kids in the area and I soon got friendly with them. They were really nice and included visiting kids from A Coruña who were staying at their Grandparents. I also got friendly with a Spanish/French guy who had lived in Switzerland for some years. He was a character who nearly blew my eardrums out when he spoke and begged more than I did. The guy offered to let me stay at his but I preferred this bedroom by the beach.
Stopping some nights in the Hotel CaliViveiro

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